1. President's report

I spent some time earlier this week with some prospective teachers and we pondered the question: “why do we educate?”

There were four main reasons that arose. 1. To gain employment 2. to pass our culture on 3. for personal growth and 4. to help form a better world.

I reflected on this as my reasons for being a teacher have moved between the four of these points at different stages of my career.

In TAFE, however, we do seem to be very fixated and concerned with employment opportunities, despite our conversations centering on the joy of teaching and learning. It is an easy thing for us to think about as we grapple between being ‘teachers’ or ‘trainers’, but I wonder if these four main reasons apply much more to TAFE than we care to admit. Think about how many times you have taken the time to understand your students, or the diversity training that seems to be coming up lately. Think about how you pass on culture in everything that you do to ensure that your students carry on traditions that we have worked so hard to build over the years. Think about the changes you have made in your student’s lives and how you have provided the opportunities that they may have not otherwise been given.

I feel that VALBEC membership is perhaps the strongest application of these ‘other’ values in teaching that I have had. We talk about what is best for students. We talk about how to educate teachers. We talk about what we stand for as a committee who is passionately interested in adult literacy and basic education. The recent PL session with Catherine Burnard showed this, and not just by Catherine, but by all of those who attended. And I’m sure that the same thing will happen when Ha Do presents her work on using CLIL theory in the TAFE classroom on August 16th (don’t forget to register!).

So, the next time you are filling out your next form, or checking that student file to see that it is compliant, make sure you spare a moment to think about the students that you have made an impact on. We might be bound by paperwork, but we must never lose sight of the reasons why we teach in the first place.

Liam Frost-Camilleri

VALBEC President

2. Valbec Membership

VALBEC Membership

You can join or renew online.


If you join in August, September or October, deduct 50%. Renewal falls due the following February

Members receive:
  • Fine Print three times a year – a high quality journal for discussion and debate about good practice, theory and policy issues. Feedback and contributions are actively sought from members about content and issues.
  • eVALBEC – our e-mail communication keeping members informed of professional development activities, general committee activities and more up to date policy changes.

  • Discounts for the Annual Conference and other VALBEC statewide professional development.

  • Issues-based forums.

  • Focus on significant policy issues impacting on the field.

  • Free numeracy resources

    3. Professional Development

    Literacy and numeracy practices in VCAL/TAFE classrooms

    Presenter: Liam Frost-Camilleri
    When: Wednesday, 10th August, 2022
    Time: 5.00pm Sydney (AEST), 4.30 Adelaide (ACST), 3.00pm Perth (AWST)

    Register here

    This session is an exploration of the predominant pedagogies used by teachers in VCAL/TAFE classrooms and what the research is telling us is effective in ‘re-engaging’ second chance education students. Using research I have conducted in my masters and preliminary research in my PhD, I will discuss the prevalent concerning literacy and numeracy education, engagement and re-engagement and the wider aspects of alternative education systems. The challenges faced by teachers and the needs of students in these environments will also be explored.

    For more about Liam see the ACAL website Profiling literacy and numeracy specialists page here

    COST FREE for ACAL & VALBEC Members

    $25 non members - Please pay here

    Zoom link: Register here

    The webinar will be recorded and sent out to all registrations.

    A link will be added to the website for members only

    VALBEC presents our next Professional Learning FORUM:

    The application of Content and Language integrated learning (CLIL) approach in TAFE courses 

    This presentation will provide a brief overview of the CLIL theory and then provide examples of how to design a CLIL lesson in a TAFE course.

     Ha Do has been teaching and doing research in language learning, TESOL and literacy for more than 20 years. 

    Presenter: Ha Do
    When: Tuesday 16 August, 5-6 pm AEST

    Where: Zoom
    Cost: VALBEC Members Free; non-Members $25

    Register here: https://valbec.org.au/event-4870351

    Fellowships 2022

    Fellowships are offered across a number of Fellowship Rounds each year. The Fellowships available each year differ according to the skills focus area, the industry area and criteria established by the ISS Institute and the Fellowship Sponsor.


    4. Resources

    Homonyms picture chart

    A chart of homonyms with their definitions and pictures representing each word.

    Click here for chart

    Teaching ESL to Adults

    Resources for teachers and tutors teaching ESL to adults. All content is written by an ESL teacher currently teaching English as a Second Language.

    It's intended to help teachers—especially new teachers—save time and resources by providing essential English-teaching information in one place.

    Teaching ESL to Adults

    5. Numeracy News and CGEA update

    The current CGEA certificates have been extended until 30th June 2024. The extension of the current CGEA certificates was requested because of a number of things occurring at both State and Federal Government levels including a review of the Foundation Skills Frameworks, which could affect the CGEA. 

    Adult Learning Australia are delivering their 6th in a series of Numeracy professional learning webinars. It is on July 27th and is on Statistics and big data.

    What works professional learning series workshop 6: Numeracy, statistics and big data - Adult Learning Australia

    6. Unions

    7. Special dates

    August 1-31  -  MS Readathon - One month challenge

    Organisation: Multiple Sclerosis Limited (MSL)

    The MS Readathon is a reading-based fundraiser run by Multiple Sclerosis Australia (MSA). It encourages people of all ages to read and improve their literacy whilst at the same time raising their community awareness and empowering them to make a difference in the lives of people living with MS.

    National/State: National
    Phone: 1300 677 323

    Website: www.ms.org.au

    Tuesday 9 August  - International Day of the World's Indigenous People

    Organisation: United Nations

    This is a day used to celebrate and recognize the stories, cultures and unique identities of indigenous peoples around the world.

    National/State: International

    Website: www.un.org/en/events/indigenousday/

    Friday 12th August  -  International Youth Day

    Organisation: United Nations

    International Youth Day is a reminder that investment in the world's youth will provide a better future for all.

    National/State: International

    Website: www.un.org/en/observances/youth-day

     13-21 August  -  National Science Week 

    Organisation: Department of Education

    National Science Week celebrates the contributions Australian Scientists have made to the world. There are hundreds of activities, events and debates across the country during the week.

    National/State: National

    Website: www.scienceweek.net.au/

    20-26 August  -  Book Week 

    Organisation: Children's Book Council Of Australia

    Each year, many schools and public libraries from all over Australia spend a week celebrating books and Australian authors and illustrators. Classroom teachers, teacher librarians and public librarians develop activities, offer competitions and tell stories relating to a theme to highlight the importance of reading.

    National/State: National

    Website: cbca.org.au/cbca-book-week

    8. Employment opportunities

    Chisholm Institute

    EAL / AMEP Teacher, Foundation College

    • Immediate Start

    • Hourly Rate: $80.40 - $86.86

    • Location: Dandenong

    • Applications for this position close 9am Tuesday 9 August 2022

    View employment opportunity


    eVALBEC is the monthly electronic newsletter of (VALBEC) the Victorian Adult Literacy and Basic Education Council and is sent to about 1000 practitioners on the first of each month (other than January). It is also available in the ‘News’ section of our web site


    The activities, goods and services mentioned in eVALBEC are not endorsed by Valbec in any way. People should make their own judgment about the suitability of each item.

    How to submit items: https://www.valbec.org.au/evalbec

    Powered by Wild Apricot Membership Software