Well, it is May and Conference season is well and truly upon us. I’ve checked with the doctors and it is quite serious. Symptoms include a general thirst for quality knowledge in the Vocational sector, a need for quality time with colleagues, an unfettered desire to consume top-notch food provided by a quality establishment and a craving for insightful knowledge that only keynote speakers can provide. The cure? Log onto www.valbec.org.au and get yourself a ticket today. We can get through this if we all band together and attend what promises to be a fantastically informative day. You can also view the conference program here: https://valbec.org.au/resources/Documents/Conference%20Times%202024.pdf
Now with the conference coming up, I would be remiss in not mentioning that we have our Annual General Meeting during the lunch break. During this time, we nominate the VALBEC members and positions for 2024-2025. I would like to encourage anybody who thinks they would like to be a part of this fine organisation to think about joining and helping us make a difference to the adult educational landscape in Victoria. If you have any questions about the commitment of something like this, feel free to email me directly and we can chat: l.frost-camilleri@federation.edu.au. Until then, I look forward to seeing as many people as possible on the 17th!
VALBEC President
You can join or renew online.
If you join in August, September or October, deduct 50%. Renewal falls due the following February.
Members receive:
eVALBEC – our e-mail communication keeping members informed of professional development activities, general committee activities and more up to date policy changes.
Discounts for the Annual Conference and other VALBEC statewide professional development.
Issues-based forums.
Focus on significant policy issues impacting on the field.
Free numeracy resources.
VicTesol are offering some quality professional learning sessions for those looking at the ELT curriculum and those wishing to explore strategies for educator wellbeing. Details can be found below:
Tensions in the Adult ELT Curriculum
28 May 2024. 4:30pm – 5:30pm AEST, Online
Exploring strategies for educator wellbeing
13 June 2024, 5:15pm – 6:30pm AEST, Online
The Bell Foundation
The Bell Foundation offers a range of free resources to support EAL teaching and development within schools.
Games to Learn English
This is a free site for students to learn English online. There is a selection of games that students can use to practice learning English in a fun way.
In his Arch Nelson address last year, Dave Tout asked, “Why is our sector still so critical? Why is empowering our learners still at the forefront of our work? And what can you do to help revitalise the sector?”
One thing you could do is write for Fine Print. Members of the Fine Print editorial committee will be on hand at the VALBEC Conference on the 17th May, so come and talk to us about your ideas.
In the meantime, you can read Dave's Arch Nelson address in the first issue of Fine Print for 2024. Members should receive this issue very soon, if not already. If you can't wait, here's a sneak peek at Dave's Arch Nelson address: https://bit.ly/evalbecMay2024
7th May – World Laughter Day
7th May – World Asthma Day
9th - 15th May – Mental Health Awareness Week
12th May – International Nurses Day
12th May – Mother’s Day
15th – 21st May – National Families Week
14th - 21st May - National Road Safety Weekly
19th May – Outdoor Classroom Day
19th May – National Walk to Safely to School Day
20th May – Endangered Species Day
22nd - 28th - Food Allergy Week
31st May – Last Day of Autumn
eVALBEC is the monthly electronic newsletter of (VALBEC) the Victorian Adult Literacy and Basic Education Council and is sent to about 1000 practitioners on the first of each month (other than January). It is also available in the ‘News’ section of our web site
The activities, goods and services mentioned in eVALBEC are not endorsed by Valbec in any way. People should make their own judgment about the suitability of each item.
How to submit items: https://www.valbec.org.au/evalbec