1. President's report

There is a bittersweet moment when a conference is over. The relief of having it go off without a hitch is eclipsed only by how fantastic the presentations were. I had so many fascinating conversations with people about their work that I even have follow up sessions to elaborate further. Was a success this was, and how heartening to have such a fantastic group of people to share it with. Thank you to all who were involved, and a big welcome to our new committee members coming out of the AGM: Tanya Enright and Suzanne Derham.

I’ve noticed a few of our presenters have looked at contributing to our journal Fine Print, which is a good thing since much of the feedback centred around there not being enough time to explore some of the ideas! We are quite lucky to have such a great publication to cement our ideas and provide insightful articles and research on the work that we do.

Looking forward, make sure you have a look at the PL sessions that are running over the next few months. The committee has been looking at the feedback that you have been giving and have tried to respond in kind. I’m immensely proud of the work we do here, responding to the needs of the sector and provide actionable change. So please, feel free to comment and suggest what you would like to see moving forward. 

And while there is a slight moment to catch our collective VALBEC breath, we must remember that there is more work to be done. To paraphrase the book of Isaiah, there’s no rest for passionate instigators of change.

Liam Frost-Camilleri

VALBEC President

2. Valbec Membership

VALBEC Membership

You can join or renew online.


If you join in August, September or October, deduct 50%. Renewal falls due the following February.

Members receive:

  • Fine Print three times a year – a high quality journal for discussion and debate about good practice, theory and policy issues. Feedback and contributions are actively sought from members about content and issues.
  • eVALBEC – our e-mail communication keeping members informed of professional development activities, general committee activities and more up to date policy changes.

  • Discounts for the Annual Conference and other VALBEC statewide professional development.

  • Issues-based forums.

  • Focus on significant policy issues impacting on the field.

  • Free numeracy resources.

    3. Conference

    Well, what a fantastic conference we had last week Friday. With a remarkable keynote address and a series of engaging sessions that highlighted the importance of student-centred practices in vocational education and our wider educational landscape, I am more than happy to label the conference a resounding success.

    Each of the presenters of the day eloquently emphasised the importance of putting students in the centre of what we do (a point that I believe we already knew, but provided us with providence). I want to wholeheartedly thank all of those who presented, attended and engaged with the event. It was fantastic to see so many people there ready to talk about the ideas presented, and this enthusiasm serves as a testament to the dedication of the sector to provide high-quality educational opportunities to our learners.

    Until next year!

    Upcoming conference 

    Reflect, Connect, Grow.
    ACAL 2023 Conference • Adelaide • Thu Sept 7 and Fri Sept 8

    ACAL is pleased to announce our national conference is to be held in Adelaide on 7 and 8 September 2023.  Its title ‘Dynamic Dialogues, Vibrant Literacies:

    Reflect, Connect, Grow.’, signals the opportunity to celebrate emergence from a time of turbulence and to regroup. ACAL’s 2023 National Conference will address a broad scope of critically important themes, relating to adult literacy policy, practice, research, and theory.  It will provide a variety of presentation types and offer delegates an opportunity to focus on their collective concerns related to adult literacy and numeracy in Australia, discuss key issues in the field, share their work and rebuild networks.

    The conference welcomes involvement from anyone with an interest in, and concern for adult literacy at any level or location. Register your interest at: https://acal.edu.au/23conf-home/

    4. Resources

    Cielito’s ESL Literacy

    The exercises in Cielito’s ESL Literacy Website are chosen to reinforce and supplement each life-skills unit and basic grammar unit learned in ESL literacy classes. The website is appropriate for low beginning, high beginning, and intermediate level ESL literacy students. 


    Introduction to the sounds of English

    Introduction to the sounds of English is a BBC site useful when working with EAL learners who are having specific pronunciation issues. You’ll find some videos on specific individual sounds.


    5. Fine Print

    The first issue of Fine Print for 2023 is out now. It was great to chat with people about it at the VALBEC conference on Friday 19 May.

    If you missed the conference, you can find out more about Fine Print and discover how you can contribute by clicking on this link.

    6. Numeracy News and CGEA update

    The current CGEA curriculum has been extended until June 2024. It may be extended again partly due to the Federal government Foundation Strategy review. 

    Dave Tout is running a webinar on 12th July on Sport and Recreation - good themes to use in your numeracy teaching. Join us.

    7. Unions

    8. Special dates

        9. Employment Opportunities

        There is a full time teaching position for a CGEA at Ravenhall Correctional  Centre on SEEK.

        Please contact Dianne Mahoney (Campus Manager Ravenhall Correctional Centre) on Phone +61 3 8363 2822 or Mobile:  +61 434 994 211 for further information.


        eVALBEC is the monthly electronic newsletter of (VALBEC) the Victorian Adult Literacy and Basic Education Council and is sent to about 1000 practitioners on the first of each month (other than January). It is also available in the ‘News’ section of our web site


        The activities, goods and services mentioned in eVALBEC are not endorsed by Valbec in any way. People should make their own judgment about the suitability of each item.

        How to submit items: https://www.valbec.org.au/evalbec

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