
You can join or renew online using the form below.

VALBEC no longer offers payment via cheque. We offer credit card and bank transfer - we apologise for any inconvenience caused.

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Select membership level

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* Membership level

Benefits of Membership

    • Professional Learning Forums and Annual Conference: strengthen communication and knowledge of adult language, literacy, numeracy & digital (LLND) education, webinar recordings and certification provided
    • Fine Print two times a year: hard copy professional journal for discussion and debate about adult LLND practice, theory and policy
    • Free online numeracy resources
    • eVALBEC: newsletter linking members to professional networks, learning activities, and relevant policy changes.
    • Discounts for the Annual Conference and other associated statewide professional learning activities.
    • Advocacy on significant policy issues impacting the field through representation on relevant government and association bodies such as the Australian Council for Adult Literacy
    Member benefits continue to develop to meet member needs. Tell us what you’d like.

    Pro rata fees

    All memberships are due on 1 March each year.

    Pro rata membership fees apply throughout the year to allow you to join at any time.

    Organisational memberships

    Organisational memberships include individual bundle members. The bundle administrator, nominated when joining, can manage their organisation's bundle members within the Valbec membership portal. Each individual bundle member will be allocated their own Valbec member login once the bundle administrator has enrolled them in the membership portal.

    Find Us

    PO Box 341
    Clifton Hill Vic 3068



    ABN 56 550 665 438
    VALBEC (Victorian Adult Literacy and Basic Education Council) was established in 1978 and is managed by an elected volunteer committee of management.

    Incorporated Association No. A00 130 71K

    Powered by Wild Apricot Membership Software